1. Background of Research

In daily communication, there are ways to go about getting the things we want. When we are with a group of friends, we can say to them, "Go get me that plate!", or "Shut-up!". However, when we are surrounded by a group of adults at a formal function, in which our parents are attending, we must say, "Could you please pass me that plate, if you don't mind?" and "I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt, but I am not able to hear the speaker in the front of the room." In different social situations, we are obligated to adjust our use of words to fit the occasion. It would seem socially unacceptable if the phrases above were reversed.
Not only in communication with our parents, but also communication with our colleague in the organization, such as comunication between the leader and members and also members and members must use the politeness principle. Nowdays, many people neglect politeness in comunication, although they relize the effect of inpoliteness of what they said.
Based on the problem above, I like to conduct a research on the title THE USE POLITENESS STRATEGIES IN DAILY COMMUNICATION OF CREWS IN LPM DINAMIKA IAIN SU.

  1. Focus of Research

For the focus of research, the writer may limit the problem on discuss about the strategies of editor in chief when he ask the crews to report the event with the title, THE USE POLITENESS STRATEGIES IN DAILY COMMUNICATION OF CREWS IN LPM DINAMIKA IAIN SU.
  1. Research of Question

Based of the background, it is necessary to formulate the problem of the research as:
1.    What’s the most polite of the politeness strategies of crews’ opinion in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU?
2.    What’s the politeness strategies that is used by ceditor in chief LPM Dinamika IAIN SU?
3.    What are the functions of use politeness in daily comunication of crews in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU? 

D.    The Aims Of Research
Based on the formulation of research, the objective of the research is to find out:
1.      To know the most polite of the politeness strategies of crews’ opinion in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU.
2.      To know the politeness strategies that is used by editor in chief LPM Dinamika IAIN SU.
3.    To the functions of use politeness in daily comunication of crews                in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU.

  1.  Significance of the Research
The result of this research will be expected to be useful for:
1.      The lectures who want to adopt the concept and the use.
2.      The language learner who want to improve their communication.
3.       The other researchers as a reference in doing the same research on this topic.
4.      The members of organization who want to this result becomes example.


A.    Comunication Is A Part Of Speaking Skill
          Comunication is a part of speaking skill. Pollard and Liebeck say that speaking as (1) utter words in an ordinary voice (not singing), hold a conversation, make a speech; express in words, (2) use or be able to (a special language) in speaking, (3) make a polite or friendly remark.[1]
          Don Bryne states that, oral communication (or speaking) is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves the productive skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding. [2]
          Based on the previous two definitions, it can be defined that speaking is the the action of conveying information, knowledge and interests or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language. This skill is more complicated that it seems at the first and involves more than just pronouncing words.
          One speaking activity which is particularly suited to this kind of analysis is conversation, the most fundamental form of oral communication.[3] If we want to get a good speaking skill, we have to able to converse with its rule.

B.     Politeness Pragmatically
According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers' "face." Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintaining that "self-esteem" in public or in private situations. Usually you try to avoid embarrassing the other person, or making them feel uncomfortable. Face Threatening Acts (FTA's) are acts that infringe on the hearers' need to maintain his/her self esteem, and be respected. Politeness strategies are developed for the main purpose of dealing with these FTA's.[4] What would you do if you saw a cup of pens on your teacher's desk, and you wanted to use one, would you:
a.          say, "Ooh, I want to use one of those!"
b.         say, "So, is it O.K. if I use one of those pens?"
c.          say, "I'm sorry to bother you but, I just wanted to ask you if I could use one of those pens?"
d.         Indirectly say, "Hmm, I sure could use a blue pen right now."
       There are four types of politeness strategies, described by Brown and Levinson, that sum up human "politeness" behavior:
1.      Bald On Record
2.      Negative Politeness
3.      Positive Politeness
4.      Off-Record-indirect
            If you answered A, you used what is called the Bald On-Record strategy which provides no effort to minimize threats to your teachers' "face."
                        If you answered B, you used the Positive Politeness strategy. In this situation you recognize that your teacher has a desire to be respected. It also confirms that the relationship is friendly and expresses group reciprocity.
If you answered C, you used the Negative Politeness strategy which similar to Positive Politeness in that you recognize that they want to be respected however, you also assume that you are in some way imposing on them. Some other examples would be to say, "I don't want to bother you but..." or "I was wondering if ..."
If you answered D, you used Off-Record indirect strategies. The main purpose is to take some of the pressure off of you. You are trying not to directly impose by asking for a pen. Instead you would rather it be offered to you once the teacher realizes you need one, and you are looking to find one. A great example of this strategy is somethin g that almost everyone has done or will do when you have, on purpose, decided not to return someone's phone call, therefore you say, " I tried to call a hundred times, but there was never any answer." 
Being on the receiving end of politeness affects each of us differently because polite utterances encode the relationship between the speakers and ourselves as addressee. Thus we would expect one person, perhaps someone who as addresee.[5] The final affect is about feeling of someone that will be bad or happy with what our said to it, then someone will do what we asked.


A.  Location of Research
As it mentioned in the title of this research, the location of reseach was in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU Office at Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate.

B.     Approach
This research has been done through qualitative approach, because the main objective of the research is to describe the use politeness strategies in daily comunication of crews in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU.
C.   Entry and Researcher Attendance
To get the accurate data in this research, I attend to research location directly because I am is a Editor in Chief of this organization so that I could observe six days in one week. Research started from  May-June  2012.
D.  Instrument and Technique of Collecting Data
1.      Observation
Observing is a way that be done by making a set of oral question which purpose direct investigation in the field of research to respondents’.
            The observation is conducted in the location of research by using sheet and wrote everything needed based on the question in observation sheet. By doing observation, it would get the some information in collecting the data about the process.
            In this research has come to the location of LPM Dinamika IAIN SU Office and observer what is the members activity in there.
Observation is the technique of gathering data through direct contact with an object-usually another human being and qualitative researchers usually observe from a phenomenological perspective. To get the data, the writer made participant-observation, because the participant-observation is believed suitable to search how to human behaves and perceives their real life in their normal, routine and natural environment.
The writer have done observation to the subject research. The writer have done arrangements to join with the members. The writer made good relationship with the members the writer have done discuss or make some question.
2.      Interview
Interview is more willing to communicate orally than in writing and therefore will provide data more readily and fully in and interview than on a questionnaire and face meeting. To collect the data in locations it is interviewed ten reporters consist of Kru Biasa (junior) and Pengurus Inti (senior).
The equal the aim of participant-observations. So, the writer have done create in interview to the respondent. There is no standard criteria about how many of respondents that have to be interviewed. In this case the writer stopped to do interview until the writer did not find aspect in searched phenomenon. As general rule, the researcher stops doing the interview until the data bored. It means, the researcher does not find new aspect in searched phenomena. The writer use digital mobile phone to record the data.


A.    Result of Observation
            LPM Dinamika IAIN SU is one of many organizations in IAIN SU. As a organization of student press, LPM Dinamika IAIN SU is built to develop the students skill to be a profesional journalist.
            The crews of it must manage themself to be a journalists that join in many divisions, they are Redaksi, Litbang, Perusahaan, dan Design grafis. The structure of organization is arranged to seperates the work of them.
            Beside on the structure above, all of the crews have a role as reporter. Editor in chief leads and give the job for the crews to report the event of news’ sources.  Editor in chief must look for some ways to ask them doing that with polite strategies. Because sometimes Editor in chief ask to report not only with junior but also to colleagues that have same class.
B.     Result of Interview
            In interviewing the crews, the writer give the quetion to know how about their responses when Editor in chief ask them to report the news’ sources such as below:
A. Question:
1. Which one of the sentences below that are more polite? Give your reason!
2. Which one of them that is often used when Editor in chief Ask you to report the news’ sources.
B. Simulation:
1.      Bald on record            : I ask you to report this seminar now.
2.      Positive politeness       : Can you report this seminar now?
3.    Negative Politeness     : I don't want to bother you, but would you like to                                                     report this seminar now?

4.      Off the brecord           : There is seminar now.

C.     Answer of crews

Endah Tri Setiari
In Endah’s opinion, number two (positive politeness) is the most polite then others because it hasn’t meaning to force someone and to do point with a question.
Endah thinks that in LPM Dinamika often uses number two (positive politeness) too.
Murpi Lubis
My opinion, number three (negative politeness) is most polite. The sentence is used to follow what the questioner asks and it is not force because it is ended by question.
In Dinamika is often used number two (positive politeness).
Bambang Edi Susilo
Actually, number three (negative politeness) is polite. The reason is  before he asked me to report, he ask to allowness.
In Dinamika, number two (positive politeness) is often used.
Fitri Layli
In my opinion, number three (negative politeness) means more responsible than others.
In Dinamika, number 1 (bald on record).
Haqqy Luthfita
Number 1 (bald on politeness) is to do point and more polite.
In Dinamika, Number 1 (bald on politeness) .
Rina Mentari Lubis
The more politeness of them is number 2 (positive politeness) because it is only question and give me the answer to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The end (off the record) is often used by crews in Dinamika.
Ibna Nurul Fuaddina
The second (positive politeness) is more polite because it has meaning ‘ask helping’.
One (bald on record)  is often in Dinamika.
The third (negative politeness) is more polite because the sentence has meaning that he asked me but not forced me.
The first (bald on record) is often used by crews, if they are busy.
Dwi Nopi Natalia
Softer and more polite is number three (negetive politeness).
Number 1 (bald on record) and 4 (of the record) are often used.
Irhas Pulus
The third (negative politeness) is more polite because its way is by question and before it, there is statement that has meaning “ask helping”.
Number 1 (bald on record) is often done but it is added “ask helping”.

A.    Conclusion
            To keep the good communication of crews in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU, the crews use the asking statement with politeness strategy. But, there are variety ways to ask them by bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off the record. Below of percentage of the observation report of the tens opinion of the crews:
The Most Polite
The Strategy That Is Often Used
Bald on record
Positive politeness
Negative politeness
Off the record

            In summary, there are different percentages between most poilte and the strategy that is often used by editor in chief of LPM Dinamika IAIN SU. Negative politeness is the most polite but there is no crews stated it is often used. On the other hand, Bald on record is the strategy that is often used but only 10%, the crew stated it.
            In reality, the crews like the negative politeness, but for a long time editor in chief still uses bald on record of politeness strategy. From this case, the writer can get conclusion the function of the politeness strategies must implicate in LPM Dinamika IAIN SU to keep a good communication between editor in chief and all the members.

B.     Suggestion
Editor in chief should use the negative politeness now, because the crews will be happy when the editor in chief uses that strategy.

[1] Pollar and Liebeck, Communication in the Classroom, (London : Oxford UniversityPress, (1994),p.770
[2] Donn Byrne, Teaching Oral English (New York: Longman, 1998) p.8
[3] Marianne Celce-Murcia, , Teaching English As A Second or Foreign Language (Boston: Heinly and Heinle, a Division of Thomson Learning,Inc.2001)p.108


[5] Peter Grandy, Doing Pragmatics(London:Oxford University Press Inc.,2000)p146-147


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